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Bylaws Of Wisconsin Foster and Adoptive Parent Associations, Inc.

Adopted October 7, 2000

Amended April 26, 2003

Amended April 2, 2010

Amended April 2, 2011

Amended April 25, 2015


The name, by which this corporation shall be known is Wisconsin Foster and Adoptive Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the Association).


To establish a statewide association of individuals, associations and agencies that wish to work together for the purposes hereinafter set forth;

To promote and enhance mutual coordination, coordination and communication among foster parents, adoptive parents, foster parent associations and adoptive parent associations and all child welfare agencies to improve foster care and adoptive care services to foster and adoptive families, and in particular to foster and adoptive children.

To be the collective voice for all foster and adoptive parent local organizations, and for all foster and adoptive children in the State of Wisconsin.

To provide a network of support through community education, communication and camaraderie to foster families and adoptive families as they are challenged to meet the needs of the children in our care.

To promote positive images of foster and adoptive parents, and foster and adoptive children in their communities, the state, and the nation by educating Association members, the public and the legislative assemblies in the vast needs of children in foster and adoptive families.

To encourage the recruitment and retention of foster parents, the recruitment of adoptive parents and the recruitment and retention of those working in the fields of foster family care and adoption.

To advocate for state laws and local associations’ policies to better meet the needs of foster and adoptive children.


SECTION 1. Types of Membership

A. Regular Membership

  1. This membership is available to all licensed foster parents and adoptive parents in the State of Wisconsin.

  2. Benefits of this membership include: the right to caucus with other licensed foster parents or adoptive parents on all matters brought to the members of the Association; cast votes on such matters, at the semi-annual general membership meetings; opportunities for the semi-annual educational and training conferences; receiving quarterly newsletters; and auditing board meetings.

  3. Regular membership dues may be paid by individuals who are foster parents licensed by the state of Wisconsin, or adoptive parents residing in the state of Wisconsin. Alternatively, private agencies, organizations or associations which license foster parents or are adoption service providers may submit dues on behalf of their individual members.

B. Supporting Individual Membership

  1. Supporting Individual Membership shall be available to individuals wishing to support the Objectives of the Association.

  2. The benefits of this membership include auditing meetings, attending educational and training conferences and receiving quarterly newsletters.

  3. This is a non-voting position.​

C. Supporting Organizational Membership

  1. Supporting Organizational Memberships shall be available to organizations or agencies wishing to support the Objectives of the Association.

  2. The benefits of this membership include auditing meetings, attending educational and training conferences and receiving quarterly newsletters.

  3. This is a non-voting position.​

SECTION 2. Voting

Regular members, in attendance, have voting privileges of one vote per person per paid membership.


Dues for all types of memberships shall be determined and set by the board of directors of the Association annually.​



The elected officers of the Association shall be a president, vice president, secretary/membership, and treasurer who are all members of this Association in good standing.


Both presidential and vice- presidential nominees must be active board or committee members

SECTION 3 Duties of the Officer

Each outgoing officer must forward all records of the office to the incoming officer within thirty (30) days after the last day in office.

 A. The president shall be the chief officer and shall:

  1. Preside at all regular, special or called meetings of the board of directors and general membership

  2. Be responsible for the general management and the supervision of the affairs and operation of the Association.

  3. Have the authority to appoint chairpersons of all standing committees and ad hoc committees as needed by the Association, except for the nominating committee. The president can not be appointed chairperson of any committee.

  4. Be a member ex-officio with a vote on all committees except the nominating committee

  5. With the elected treasurer, sign all contracts or obligations authorized by the board of directors.

  6. Officially and publicly represent the Association.

  7. Perform such other duties as provided by these by laws or as commonly appertain to the office of president.

  8. Be bonded.

  9. Be elected for a term of two (2) years with a three year consecutive term limit or until a successor can be found.

B. The vice president shall:

  1. Be an active board or committee member.

  2. Assist the president in the performance of his or her duties and shall assume all of the responsibilities of the president in the president’s absence, except the signing of contracts, unless approved by the board of directors.

  3. Perform such other duties as provided by those by-laws or as commonly appertain to the office of the vise president, or as assigned by the president.

  4. Be elected for a term of two (2) years with a three year consecutive term limit or until a successor can be found.​

C. The secretary shall:

  1. Keep all the records if the board of directors meetings and general membership meetings.

  2. Compose all communications as directed and approved by the president and board of directors.

  3. Keep a record and see that the president has a copy of all correspondence sent and received.

  4. Perform such other duties as provided by those by-laws or as commonly appertain to the office of secretary.

  5. Be elected for a term of two (2) years with no limit on the number of terms.

D. The treasurer shall:

  1. Be responsible for collecting and safe guarding all funds of the Association.

  2. Be responsible for all disbursement of funds.

  3. Submit all financial records and all financial reports for state funding to the board of directors annually for an audit, or a group of three members, to be completed by the annual general membership meeting held in the fall. Additionally, an audit is required before a treasurer leaves office for any reason.

  4. Make regular reported to the general membership at all meetings.

  5. Be bonded.

  6. Perform other duties as provided by those by-laws or as commonly appertain to the office of treasurer.

  7. Be elected for a term of two (2) years with no limit on the number of terms.

E. Immediate Past President shall:

  1. Help with transition of new president from past president

  2. One (1) year term only.

  3. This is NOT an elected position.​



A nominating committee of not less than two (2) Association members shall be appointed by the president at the regular Spring general membership meeting each year to secure nominations for each executive position due to expire. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the Fall general membership meeting.


Nominations of candidates for offices shall be received by the secretary from the nominating committee two (2) weeks prior to the Fall general membership meeting for preparation of ballot.


The term of office for president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer shall be two years. There shall be a three consecutive term limit on the number of terms held by any individuals in the positions of president, and vice president or until a successor can be found. There shall be no term limits for individuals in the positions of secretary and treasurer. Terms of the president and treasurer will expire in odd-numbered years. Terms of the vice president and secretary shall expire in even-numbered years.


The election of officers of the Association shall be by secret ballot or call from the floor “ayes” and “nays” at the Fall general membership meeting. The president shall cast a secret ballot for each office, to be counted only in the event of a tie. If there is no tie, the president’s vote will be destroyed, unopened.​



The executive authority of the Association shall be vested in the board of directors, which shall consist of the following members:

 A. elected officers of the Association: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer

 B. Chairpersons of the standing committees.

 C. Social worker liaisons and immediate past president in the capacity of advisors to the board of directors. These         are non-voting positions to be approved by the board for one (1) year, with renewal options subject to board               review.


Each chairperson of a standing committee shall have one vote at board meetings. The following committees shall constitute the standing committees.

A. Bylaw / Legislative

B. Finance

C. Conference

D. Fundraising

E. Grant Writing

F. Outreach

G. Hospitality

H. Membership

I. Newsletter

J. Surviving Allegations of Abuse and Neglect (SAAN)

K. Website Manager

L. FASPP Advisor

M. Partnership

These committees shall correspond to the WFAPA newsletter to ensure accuracy.


The board of directors shall hold regular meetings two (2) times a year immediately following the conference and additionally at the call of the president. A written notice of the time and place of all meetings of the board of directors shall be communicated to each board member no less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting date.


Quorum Except as may be otherwise stated in these by-laws, or articles of incorporation, any and all voting members of the board of directors of the Association who are represented at the call of the meeting of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business thereat.


Voting If a quorum is present when a vote is taken, the affirmative vote of a majority of directors present is the act of the board.


The board of directors without meeting together, may transact business by mail, telephone, electronic mail, or FAX by voting on proposed resolutions communicated to them by the president or by the secretary with the president’s approval. If within five (5) business days thereafter a majority of the members vote in favor of such a resolution, that resolution shall be deemed carried. Otherwise it shall fail.

SECTION 7 Duties

A. To interpret and enforce the by-laws of the Association

B. To advocate for improvements in the child welfare systems and legislation.

C. To act as an information center and research body regarding the objectives of the Association, budget,                        education and legislative actions and to disseminate such information

D. To provide a vehicle for communications among foster parents, adoptive parents, foster parent organizations,             and adoptive parent associations, and child welfare agencies.

E. To cooperate with other organizations which have similar objectives in whole or part to those of the Association.    F. To appoint committees, as may deemed advisable, which committees shall exist during the term of office of                 president. At least one member of such committee shall be a member of the board of directors. Such                         committees will have no voting rights at board meetings.

G. To formulate rules and regulations as in the opinion of the board of directors are essential to the interests and             objectives of the Association.

H. To establish responsibilities for each committee.

I. To select an auditor or three (3) general members to audit the treasury whenever a treasurer leaves office.



The membership of the Association shall meet semi-annually.


Notice of semi-annual general membership meetings and the agenda shall be communicated to the members by the board of directors or the secretary at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Publication of upcoming meetings and agenda in a statewide newspaper or the Association’s newsletter will suffice, provided the notification appears not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.


otice of special membership meetings and the agenda shall be communicated to the members by the board of directors or the secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting. Publication of upcoming meetings and agenda in a statewide newspaper or the Association’s newsletter will suffice, provided the notification appears not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.


Except as prohibited by these laws, any and all members of the Association who are present at the call of any meeting of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business thereat.


Except as prohibited by these laws or the articles of incorporation, a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the members present in person at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be necessary got the adoption of any matter voted upon by the members.


All meeting shall be conducted in accordance with ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER MODERN EDITION.


The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.


The by-laws of the Association may be added to, amended or appealed, in whole, or in part, by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting, provided that written notice of such intention has been given to each member at least 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting.

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